sick and tired of my dial-up connection, i finally went and got myself signed-up for the maxis broadband, with the usb modem... speed wise, so far so good! :)now need to discipline myself to get work done instead of surfing whole day!oh, and did i mention that i got a new phone? hehehe... nokia 6110 nav, another present from the bf. complete with gps navigation functions! *grin* (mine's black in colour)
bro's biopsy results are out. the lump is a mass of soft bone... dunno how it got there and dunno how big it'll grow or for how long (if at all). and since it's at an extremely hard to reach place, the doctors advice to leave it as it is, unless bro feels any numbness or whatever.also, the lump has nothing to do with his seizures. totally unrelated. so now we're all still clueless as to why bro's been having all those fits. maybe due to stress? due to the fact that he downed 5 bowls of sup kambing (mutton soup) the previous day? due to him not sleeping well the previous night? due to his anxiety over some machinery at work? sigh...
after nearly 3 years of fine health, we thot bro's bouts of fits are behind us... well, we're wrong! it happened again last week. this time, it happened at abt 6pm, while he was still in the office. mom was just abt to roast a chicken when the phone rang. it's from bro's company, telling her that bro had blacked out from after a seizure and asked where should they send him. mom went n'hng (lemah) and couldn't response. finally dad took over the phone and asked them to call for the pantai ambulance as his medical records are there.a scan showed that the lump in between behind his nose and brain has grown slightly since the last time he took the scan in singapore, where he went for a second opinion after his 2nd seizure. previously, the singaporean neurosurgeon said it'll be a complicated procedure to get to the lump... need to do a keratan rentas across his head to open up his skull bla bla bla. and the dental surgeon said that if he don't feel any numbness or anything, then it's better to just leave it be. so they left it be.then last week, the pantai surgeons did an analysis on him, consulted the ENT specialist and concluded that the best way to get to the lump would be through his nose. no need to cut open his skull lar! so that's what they did on him... they found the lump to be a sort of soft bone, so they can't remove the whole thing before determining what it actually is. so they just took some samples to do a biopsy. the result would be out the mean time, bro is out from the hospital now, at home shaking legs. haha... the doctor asked him to stay until monday, but he was so bored that he insisted on going home on sat. so the doctor made him sign a disclaimer that should anything happen to him from sat to mon, the doctor would not be held responsible. so that's that lar... have yet to call home to see if the results are out.
u know the persons in charge of the obedience school means business when they have revision classes in preparation for the dogs' exam!
u know chinese new year is just around the corner when all the chinese around u, especially the guys, start sporting new hairstyles/haircuts!
met up with an old friend from uni recently... we've not seen each other since we graduated abt 6 years + ago! gosh, so many things to talk abt, so much to catch up! we met up for lunch, and sat in the restaurant talking and laughing until 5pm! the restaurant staff must've been relieved when we finally asked for the bill. are some photos San scanned for us and posted up in her facebook. look how young we were! the 3 of us stayed in the same college (Com B) in our first year. i met San during registration. she was queuing in front of me. then i met Mon, who was staying downstairs from me in my building. and later we got very close when we joined choir together. we would walk to and from DECTAR (the UKM main hall) for choir practice, and we had so much fun together! it was during one of those walks that somehow or other, we started calling each other 'muka seposen'. really miss those times!
top collage, left from right: 1) first outing to the mines, meeting Mon's then-bf who was in UPM2 & 3) during our choir workshop4 & 5) during our choir performance for convocation6) in the A&W at the KTM station, on the way to San's house in Selayang for the weekend7) posing in front of Pizza Hut in Selayang, which the Sarawakian Mon wanted to try8) in our baju kurung during the MSK (minggu suai kenal) orientation week. oh i miss my red red baju kurung... NOT!and 6 1/2 years later...
p/s: we have since upgraded. San and i are now muka seringgit, and Mon is 5posen, so actually the title should've been 'the gathering of 2 ringgit 5posen'! haha...
amigurumi octi for the housemate M.
had wanted to make this for M for christmas, but had too much work! so ended up giving to her well after the new year!
got the octi pattern free from here, but need to register first for the patterns. and even tho' i followed the pattern closely, i still managed to create a big flaw to it! my octi has only 7 tentacles!!! hmm... dunno y, i just can't seem to squeeze in all 8! only has enough space for 7... well, M would just have to live with it! haha...
supposed to post this earlier, but just got the pics from bro... anyway, bro finally got married last dec! :)
so now the pressure's on ME! :(