previously, seeing that their parents are not big readers, i try to encourage the reading habit by getting them books that i hope would instill the love of reading in them. i've given them so many books by roald dahl that i lost track of which books they have and which they have not! and then after a while, i'm not even sure if they're reading the books i sent them... coz of course they would answer a sweet 'yes' when asked if they like their presents!
anyway, this year, i totally forgot abt K's birthday (in september)! i only remembered it like one month later... so then began the whole process of cracking my head on what to buy. and then before i found the perfect gift, i forgot abt it again! hahaha... so boh-sim (hokkien: not sincere) hor?
then early last month, our families had a gathering at my house. the moment K entered the door and saw me, she went, "ah sue ah yee! you forgot my birthday present!" and my cousin mentioned that K kept bugging her to check the letterbox everyday for my gift! yikes! :P
so i was thinking and thinking of what to buy her, when i suddenly thought of Jullie! now that K is old enough to have a handphone, Jullie's handmade handphone charm would be just the perfect gift! and since Jullie is in singapore, she can just send it straight to my cousin's address.
and today, it's finally done! here's the pic Jullie sent me. it's made of 100% swarovski crystals. gorgeous! can't wait for K to get it in the mail!
read also:
1) overdue gift
2) cny '06
Oh very nice! BTW has Jullie given birth yet?
biow, next life lar! keke...
emily, she's due next month.
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