Monday 4 May 2009

R. I. P.

my first ever compact digital camera finally met its demise after rendering its service faithfully for a total of 6 years.

20 May 2003 - 3 May 2009

its screen was considered one of the widest of its time...
tho' now a lot of newer models have surpassed it

at its final days, it still tried its best... but normal tasks that were a breeze previously have became a daily struggle. it was not able to perform as efficiently and effortlessly as before.

most of the outdoor shoots were overexposed

officially, this is the final shot taken by F410, on 27th Dec 2008

my dear F410,

thanks for sticking with me thru thick and think. i'll never forget the times we've had together, and the places we've seen and snapped. tho' many more cameras will come and go in my life, u'll always be my no. 1.

rest in peace, baby. you deserve it...

1 comment:

=t= said...

we will miss you!!!