N's nieces are up in kl this school holidays, so we brought them to the rink for some ice skating action. at the same time, it's also an opportunity for us to get a feel of the ice again, after more than 2 years of stopping our lessons.
ur xiao yi if you can "borrow" her skates... tell her u'll give it back when u outgrow it. hehehe...*
some videos that we managed to take...
the girls doing the swivel... N and i may not be great figure skaters,
but i think we're quite good coaches lor... hehehe... good job, girls! *proud*
my turn to perform! this is the one and only move that i'm still able to do
quite well and can be shown to all! hahaha... this is called the "pivot"
i would say the girls really enjoyed this outing... but despite protests of not staying longer at the rink, they were dead tired after abt 2 hrs plus of skating! there definitely will be a next skating trip!
wah.. very nice your pivot..
hehe, thanks. unfortunately, it's the only move i can still do well :(
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