Wednesday 1 September 2010

1st roll of film in lomo: failed!

so sad... of the 36 exposures from my first roll of film, i only managed to get 2 photos! the rest of the film turned out blank... not black, not blurred... just BLANK and TRANSPARENT! means they're not even exposed! haiz...

taken facing the bright morning sun...

i took 2 of the same shots, a habit with most digital cam users, i'm sure!

this first roll is from my uws cam, without any additional lenses. and these 2 pics were the only ones i took under bright sunlight. i remembered i took a few under fluorescent lighting, which i thought was bright enough... but apparently not! so lesson learnt from this is, uws can only be used in the outdoors under bright sunlight for the films to be exposed properly... hopefully the results from my tlr and my 2nd roll of film from my uws will be better!

read also:
1. 2nd toy: gakkenflex tlr
2. new toy!


Biow said...

wah.. that serious..
but nice these 2.. very "home" feeling, the hanger!

Anonymous said...

hi, found this blog when i was checking out lomo camera :D

interesting enough, I'm from KL too. but now studying in Singapore.

well, idk if i will come back to this blog haha. feel free to email me

if you wanna make 1 new friend :)

anyway, nice use of lomo there haha

stargal said...

thanks for dropping by, chonghouyin! :)