Tuesday 20 September 2005

just so stuff...

too lazy to think in paragraph, so here are things in point form:

1. tired from training whole day yesterday n today. tomorrow another day! *groan*
2. left hand finger tips numb from cello playing, while right arm sore from bow pulling and getting the pressure n angles right
3. getting way too many sms from K... a bit fishy...
4. waiting anxiously for payday (and it's only middle of the month!)
5. still spooked out by Henry in 'Buried Secret of M. Night Shyamalan'. *note: those with astro, look out for it in HBO the next few days (not sure what day). really spooky!
6. dread going back to work on thurs - m sure will have mountains of work waiting...
7. what to wear tomorrow? looks like time to bring out the damned iron...
8. working out the best time for cello practice so as not to provoke annoyed neighbours from making complains to management/throwing rotten eggs at my front door


lotsachi said...

soon you'll have strong fingers (only left side) and arm/shoulder (only right side). heiya...so not seimbang! :P

Biow said...

wah.. cepatnya ur lessons started.. fun?

stargal said...

lotsachi, yeah lor... i thought of that too... but what to do? *sigh...

biow, yeah, went for orchestra prac last week. it was ok lar... just need to get used to handling the thing. oh, n the ppl there very very friendly! so nice...

lotsachi said...

huh, where 'there'? gco?

stargal said...

yeah yeah, gco... ;)

lotsachi said...

ooo...so, is my godsis still there? if she is, say hi to her. also to yuenway (is she still there?), waipeck, kinkeong, n kokleong! tell my godsis to email me, huh.

stargal said...

ur godsis MH? nope, dun think she's still in there.

lotsachi said...

huh?! where'd she go?

stargal said...

manalah i tau?? she's ur godsis, not mine...

lotsachi said...

lol... yeah hor. ask the super senior in gco ;) hhmmmm...mayb i should give her a call...