Friday, 29 October 2010
some random conversations with my GM...
gm: so sorry. due to my presence, you'll need to go in using the back door like some criminal.
me: is that a "beware, men present" sign i see?
gm: yes. i feel like some wild animal now. why don't you start screaming when we're halfway in, and see if i get to spend a nice leisurely afternoon at the police station...
me: =_='''
2. discussing about one of the ladies from the club, who's a socialite in the community here.
me: she's like a star. she comes in, says what she wants to say, and leaves. she didn't even shake hands with anyone!
gm: in my next life, i'm gonna be a lady of leisure too... you born rich, you marry rich and you don't have to do anything. what a life!
3. in the car, on the way to a function.
gm: in my next life, i'm gonna be born rich.
me: and what do you want to do in that life?
gm: nothing. when people ask about my occupation, i'm gonna say "son". my dad's gonna be so rich, i won't need to know how i got all that money.
4. in the car, on the way back from the function. there's a bit of a jam and we were trailing behind a lady driver.
gm: look at that, what is she doing???
me: i think she's talking on the phone.
gm: that's obvious, from all those hand gestures *honk*honk*
me: oh, i think she's applying her makeup now.
gm: look at her car swaying in and out like that... why do women do that? please tell me, why??
me: boss, in your next life, you're gonna be a woman and then you'll understand.
gm: look, we just said that i'm gonna be the son to a rich father in my next life. why are you now saying i'm gonna be a woman who drives like that? you trying to punish me or something?

bits of dubai…
lazy to write long posts, so here are some snippets about this city, in point forms…
1. this has to be the only city with 120 nationals in it. everywhere you turn, you’ll hear a different language being spoken…
2. don’t believe the myth about women having a lower social status in the middle east. i think that rule doesn’t apply here. in fact, i feel women have a higher status than men here! they really take care of the women folk here… a man will be sent to jail or deported in 24 hours if a woman reports him to the police as trying to be funny with her.
3. male chivalry is very much alive here too. my GM opens and holds the door for me when i’m walking with him, other male colleagues wait till all the women have stepped in/out of the lift first before themselves and make sure all the ladies are seated before they take the last chair etc.
4. it’s still weird to see cars driving on the “wrong” side of the road… and out of habit, i’m always walking towards the driver side when i wanna get into the car (which is the passenger side at home!)
5. taxi drivers here are crazy. enough said.
6. it’s the city with all the tallest, biggest, longest, fastest… you get the drift.
7. i don’t know if it’s the industry practice or just my colleagues, but they’re always brushing their teeth!! after breakfast and lunch, you’ll find them diligently brushing away in the washroom sink and then reapplying their makeup. not a good thing when you need some private time in the toilet for some personal erm, business. it’s worse if there are 2 or more of them, coz they tend to chit-chat and take longer to leave the washroom!
8. the uae has the largest carbon footprint in the world! all the buildings are air-conditioned 24hrs a day. even the bus stops are air-conditioned!
9. it being a muslim country, i don’t really notice the mosques around here. even though my colleague has pointed out that there is a mosque every 5km, but due to their structure, we don’t really notice that it’s a mosque! sure, they still have the big dome at the top, but i guess because they’re all air-conditioned, they just look like any other building, unlike in m’sia, where the mosques have a large outdoor compound and open praying area.
10. if you don’t know already, the weekends here are fridays and saturdays, with sundays being the first working day of the week. feels a bit weird, but like they say, when in rome, do like the romans. anyway, public services and most shops are closed on the first half of fridays, due to the friday prayers. even the metro trains will only start running after 2pm on fridays!
ok, that’s about it for now… for photos, please view them in my fb!

moving yet again!!!
well, i’ve been here for more than 2 weeks now, and i’m still staying in the hotel! tonight will be my last night in the hotel, as i’m finally moving to my apartment tomorrow… so yeah, moving yet again!
i just went to see my apartment after work yesterday… well, it was better than i expected. initially, when i told SF the name of the area where the staff accommodation is, her first reaction was, “OMG!” so i was expecting some dilapidated and run-down building… but the building itself was really nice. it’s just that the area it’s in… basically, the whole area where i work and (will) stay is in the old part of dubai. so it’s not like the newer and more posh part of town, where most of the expat community stays. but it’s really near my work place, so i guess it’s ok.
the building where the staff accommodation is looks like a serviced apartment, with 24 hours security. yesterday, i was shown 2 units, both 1-bedroom units. eventually i chose the bigger one, not because of the size, but because it has a balcony. at first i was thinking that i’ll be able to hang my clothes out to dry on the balcony, like in m’sia, but now that i think about it, my clothes may be coated with sand if i do that! :P
the unit comes with a built-in wardrobe, fridge, stove and washing machine. so i’ll just need to get a few pieces of essential furniture to complete the place. but since i’ve just viewed the place yesterday and will be moving in tomorrow, i’ve no time to go furniture shopping yet! but dun worry, the management won’t make me sleep on the floor… there are a few pieces of furniture such as bed, chairs etc that they can loan to me first while i sort out my own furniture, so all is good. just hope they remember to loan me the curtains!
as for the building, other than a few units which are occupied by some families and non-staff, most of the units are occupied by my company’s employees. staff of a lower level has to share their units, 2 to a room, 4 to a unit. thank god i get the whole unit to myself! so anyway, the good thing about staying at the staff accommodation is that you know most of your neighbours (reallly? good thing?) and can get help easily if anything were to go wrong. but on the other hand, you’ll be seeing your colleagues at work AND ALSO when you go home… there goes my social life! :D
anyway, the building has only 4 floors (generally, the buildings in this part of dubai are not very tall, due to the fact that it’s very very near the airport, with landing and taking off planes flying rather low here) and there’s a swimming pool on the roof. but access to the pool is limited. ladies can only swim there 3 days a week, men 3 days a week, and the remaining day is for families (but ladies are allowed too). also, there’s also a gym for ladies ONLY! hahaha… i’ve yet to find out if there’s a gym for men. if not, then the men staying there are quite kesian also, right? :D
other than these facilities, there’s also a unit where they’ve converted into a “common room” for the employees. one part of the unit is where they serve our meals, so we can either eat at the staff canteen before we go home, or eat here at the accommodation. then at another area in the “common room”, there’s a computer room with wi-fi. most of the staff have their own internet line, so generally those using the computer room here are those who’ve just arrived and have yet to buy their own computer/apply for their own line.
ok, so that’s all about my living arrangement so far. will take photo of the apartment to show everyone when i’ve moved in tomorrow.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
my day...
Monday, 18 October 2010
people at home are never gonna believe it...
Saturday, 16 October 2010
1st official day at work!
even though i'm not required to be in the hotel uniform, but being "in uniform" means that you're in your blazer, with the collar pin and your name tag on. normally, we only need to have the collar pin on, but if we're attending official functions or events in and outside of the hotel, then we'll need to have our name tag on as well.
2nd day in dubai...
anyway, after breakfast at the hotel restaurant, i made my way to the admin office, which was quite a maze! took me a few wrong turns to finally find the hr office...
the 1st half of the morning was dedicated to signing all the important documents, a short briefing about my employment and a short tour of the back office. like i said, it's like a maze down there! i think it'll take me some time to know my way around, coz staff are not supposed to use the main entrance, but to move about using the staircases and "back way".
so far, all my colleagues are very friendly and nice. i felt welcomed right from the beginning! and they're such experts in handling new arrivals, as well as understand our needs and feelings in a foreign country. for this i'm grateful...
oh, and another thing that i'm grateful for is, after a long day at work, i'm able to come back to a nicely made up room with fresh towels and free laundry thrown in! such a nice feeling... how nice it'll be if it's ALWAYS like that! *wishful thinking* :P
Friday, 15 October 2010
i managed to catch some sleep on and off that way, and arrived in dubai all groggy and blur at about 9pm. the airport was pretty bz, with long queues at the iris scan and immigration... but after that, everything went pretty smoothly. my dad was very worried as to how i'd be able to handle all those boxes by myself upon arrival, but really, it went better than even i myself expected!
i found out that i'll be staying in the hotel guest room for the time being, about maybe 10 days, while they prepare my apartment in the staff accommodation. also, the staff accommodation is not within the proximity of the hotel, as opposed to that i thought earlier, and staff staying there get to work via the free shuttle service that runs hourly, 24 hrs a day.
it's been a long day... i asked mr. w what's my schedule like the next day, and he said to just relax, get some rest and then to go see them at the admin office at around 10am after my breakfast. hmm... not very relaxing eh? i was thinking i'd be getting a day off to rest before i go see them! ah well, i guess it's still ok, since i'm already here and it's not that i have other things to do... :)

Thursday, 14 October 2010
mirror blog...
for those who are already here, don't bother checking the other site, as it'll just be a copy and paste of some of the posts from here. so consider yourselves privileged! :D
ok, if your really must know, the mirror site is here.
greetings from the land of the shimmering sands!

Sunday, 10 October 2010
2 days before departure...
well, i am! but now, more than excitement, i'm actually in a state of near panic! can anyone believe that i've not even packed my luggages yet??? the moving company is only coming to pick up my stuff for sea cargo tomorrow, and i'm only partially done in packing for those! and other than packing for my flight check-in and sea cargo, i still need to pack up the stuff that i wanna move back to bear hill, give away, donate out as well as throw away... i've already moved back most of the stuff i wanted to keep back to bear hill, but there are still some more stuff that i didn't manage to pack before the lorry man came last wed. so will need to do that as well...
and then i still need to pay a visit to the bank to settle some banking stuff that just can't be settled via phone or online banking, as well as cancelling my phone package plan. oh, and i need to pay a visit to my orthopedic to get extra medicine for my knee condition to last me for a year! can all these be one in one day?? haiz... everything so last minute!!
oh how can one girl have so much stuff??? as it is, my parents nearly had a fainting spell when they saw the number of dvd/vcd i brought home... about 10 of those A4 paper boxes!!! well, to be fair, it's a collection that spanned more than 10 years (since uni days), so that's quite ok what... :P
i guess part of the difficulty in all these packing business is the attachment. we get too attached to the stuff we love and its painful when we need to detach ourselves from them. how simple life would be if we can just pack up our essential stuff into just a knapsack and go? of course, i can't do that as i need to empty out my rented apartment... but on the other hand, i think moving is a good way for us to de-clutter our lives. every time we move, we'll reassess the value of our stuff, stuff we keep thinking that we'll need later on. do i really need this piece of ribbon? is this container with its cracked lid really that indispensable? so a lot of stuff gets tossed out, making room for new stuff! hehe...
but from now on, i'd need to refrain myself from buying so much stuff, seeing that i won't be permanent in sandland. and no one knows more than me how tiring moving is!
ok, ending this post here. sorry if all the sentences and paragraphs are a bit jumbled up and don't have any kind of flow to them. i'm quite stressed out now, even though i'm just gadding about at bear hill doing nothing! so stressed that i've been having difficulty sleeping, with all those things that still need to be done kept playing in my head! :(
read also:
1. leaving on a jet plane!